Kasulikud lingid

Eesti Teadusinfosüsteem ETIS

Eesti Teadusagentuur ETAG

Eesti Matemaatika Selts EMS

Eesti Statistikaselts ESS

European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry ECMI

Mathematics, Computing and Simulation for Industry MACSI-net

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM

International Mathematical Union IMU-Net

The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics JSIAM

Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society CAIMS

Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics CIMS

American Mathematical Society AMS

Full-text scientific database ScienceDirect

Mathematics resource Wolfram MathWorld

Collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases in Netlib Repository

About.com Mathematics

Automatic Math Solutions QuickMath

The European Mathematical Information Service EMIS

The Numerical Algorithms Group NAG

TechXtra in Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing

Korrelatsioonid Guessing Correlations