Theoretical Mechanics
Research topics include modeling of the mechanical behavior and optimization of plates and shells in the case of different material models.
Research Group staff
- Natural vibrations and stability analysis of nanobeams, nanobars, nanoarches, nanotubes and nanoplates.
Research Group projects
PhD projects (supervisor prof. J. Lellep)
Other projects
Recently defended doctoral theses
- Shahid Mubasshar, 2023, supervisor Jaan Lellep, Natural vibrations of curved nanobeams.
- Mohammed Mainul Hossain, 2022, supervisor Jaan Lellep, Numerical analysis of vibrations of nanobeams.
- Hina Arif, 2021, supervisor Jaan Lellep, Stability analysis of stepped nanobeams with defects.
- Tiina Kraav, 2017, supervisor Jaan Lellep, Stability of elastic stepped beams with cracks.
- Julia Polikarpus, 2016, supervisor Jaan Lellep, Elastic plastic analysis and optimization of axisymmetric plates.
- Alexander Liyvapuu, 2016, supervisor Jaan Lellep, Natural vibrations of elastic stepped arches with cracks.