About the Institute

On 1st January, 2016 the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics joined as the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics. The institute is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Tartu. The priority of the institute is to make sure mathematicians and statisticians are represented in Estonia in the future.


Our alumni.

The institute is active in research and is open to collaboration with fellow institutes and universities. The institute organizes seminars and all interested are welcome to join.

Since the beginning of 2020, the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics has been located at the brand new Delta centre. The centre has a modern and cross-disciplinary science and study environment which brings together a variety of the units of UT. The centre also hosts some organizations, for example Cybernetica and Swedbank, where students are welcome to do their internships at.


Kersti Kaljulaid, the President of Estonia, visited our institute in February 2020.

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