Algebra research group is mainly interested in semigroup theory, universal algebra, and category theory, but also some problems in lattice theory and ring theory.
Research Group staff
Research Group projects
Current projects
Main past projects
Theodor Molien (1861-1941), a prominent algebraist, began his mathematical career in Tartu.
The algebra research group of the University of Tartu started in 1955 when Jaak Hion started working here. Over time, Vladimir Fleischer, Uno Kaljulaid, Mati Kilp, Vladimir Kuchmei, Uve Nummert and Raul Roomeldi have belonged to the group.
Seminar on Algebra
In seminar talks, we consider mainly the newest scientific results of the algebraists and graduate students of the University of Tartu about Morita equivalence of semigroups and rings. The talks will be delivered both by faculty members and students.