
Here you can find the study information of the curricula of our institute. Public study materials can be found from which is updated frequently.


International Students
The Institute of Mathematics and Statistics welcomes all international students to apply to our curricula in English. Read more about getting started at the University of Tartu here and about the orientation course offered by the Study Abroad Centre.

Student Exchange
A semester or academic year abroad is becoming a regular part of university studies – every year, an increasing number of students take advantage of the opportunity to study as exchange students abroad.

Extracurricular Activities
For extracurricular activities related to mathematics and other non-academic activities, you can find information here.

Psychological Counseling
Psychological counseling is intended to support students in dealing with both academic and personal life challenges. Counseling at the University of Tartu is free of charge.

The Delta Library offers a rich selection of literature in the fields of mathematics, informatics, and economics.


Arrival ABC

Residence Permits

Information about getting to Tartu

Living in Tartu

Erasmus Student Network


Career Service

Students with Special Needs

University of Tartu Library


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