Applied Statistics

The research group works on applications of mathematical statistics in various domains, driven by problems arising in these domains and motivated by theoretical questions. Specifically, the group works in the following areas:

  1. Biostatistics
    The research group led by Prof. Krista Fischer focuses on models in genetic epidemiology. Collaboration in this area takes place with the Genomics Institute of the University of Tartu, and research topics are mainly related to the prediction of health risks based on the database of gene donors from the University of Tartu Estonian Biobank. This is an important contribution to the implementation of personalised medicine in Estonia. Statistical issues include the development of polygenic risk scores, the prediction of absolute risks and the assessment of causal effects.
    (Prof. Krista Fischer, Associate Professor Märt Möls, Researcher/Postdoc Oleksandr Chepizko, PhD students Anastassia Kolde, Merli Mändul, Tuuli Jürgenson)

  2. Multivariate statistics
    On the one hand, research in multivariate statistics involves investigating parametric statistical models, estimating their parameters, and performing hypothesis testing tasks under elliptical distributions and asymmetric elliptical distributions. On the other hand, research focuses on approximating complex statistical distributions needed for data analysis by asymptotic distributions and series expansions. The construction of copulas based on multidimensional distributions and their application to data analysis tasks is another important direction.

  3. Probability models in financial and actuarial mathematics
    Models in financial and insurance mathematics are typically developed using mathematical statistics methods tailored to specific problem formulations. The Financial and Actuarial Mathematics research group studies both theoretical and applied aspects of probability models. Many actuarial research questions involve the task of approximating distributions, with particular emphasis on heavy-tailed distributions (such as asymmetric normal and asymmetric t-distributions) that are suitable for describing the magnitude of losses. Other topics of interest in actuarial mathematics include premium calculations in general (including the evaluation of both the distribution of the number of claims and the distribution of individual claims) and reserve models.

  4. Survey sampling

  5. Statistical applications in social sciences and demography

Members of the research group:

  • Krista Fischer (professor, uurimisrühma juht)
  • Meelis Käärik (kaasprofessor)
  • Märt Möls (kaasprofessor)
  • Raul Kangro (kaasprofessor)
  • Annika Krutto (lektor)
  • Oleksandr Chepizko (teadur)
  • Anne Selart (nooremlektor)
  • Ene Käärik
  • Mare Vähi
  • Imbi Traat (emeriitdotsent)
  • Tõnu Kollo (emeriitprofessor)
  • Kalev Pärna (emeriitprofessor)

Doctoral students:

  • Merli Mändul
  • Anastassia Kolde
  • Jamsher Mohhamed Ali
  • Tuuli Jürgenson
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