Industrial Master's Programme in Quantitative Analysis

Industrial Master's Programme in Quantitative Analysis a study format offered to master's students of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of UT, in which half of the student’s studies take place at a partner organisation. Since a lot of master's students already have a job during their university studies, the Industrial Master's Programme enables the student to combine one's studies and work in a more efficient way.

The Institute of Computer Science launched a similar programme in 2017 and the feedback from companies and master's students has been extremely positive. More details about their programme can be found here. The Industrial Master's Programme of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics in Quantitive Analysis is similar to the programme in IT, but we have master's students of other curricula.

  • The Industrial Master's Programme is a study format where 50% of the student's curriculum is fulfilled at a partner organisation. The length of the programme/traineeship is 17 months (2nd to 4th semester, the first semester is for core courses at the university).
  • The Industrial Master's Programme is not a separate curriculum, the students must be from one of the two curricula of the University of Tartu:

• Mathematics and Statistics,
• Actuarial and Financial Engineering.

  • A suitable student for the position will be chosen in collaboration between the company, the student and the institute, according to the interests of the organisation and the student. An individual study plan for the student will also be developed in cooperation.
  • A suitable student found, the organisation pays the institute a service fee from which the student will be paid a scholarship.

What will the company gain from joining the Industrial Master's Programme?

  • A chance to train a specialist for your company's needs.
  • Long-term collaboration with a master's student: a chance to go through the company's tasks thoroughly in the student's master's thesis.
  • Marketing from the University of Tartu: information about the organisations involved in the programme can be found from the webpage and other platforms of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Recruitment by the University of Tartu: the university will create a ranking list of the applicants for each position, based on which the organisation could choose a suitable student.

What to consider before joining the programme?

  • In which position and with which tasks is the student going to be working with?
  • Who is a suitable candidate for the position, which skills will be needed and which skills should the student acquire during one's master's studies?
  • How is the student going to work (remote working, how often should one visit the office etc)?
  • The student must have a supervisor from the company during the whole traineeship.
  • We cannot guarantee that the student will continue working at the organisation after the end of the programme, but it is very likely by the example of the Industrial Master's Programme in IT.
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