Tartu Ülikool

Alumni Talk - Quantitative modelling of cybersecurity risk

Join us in January 2023 for our first series of Alumni Talks! Our international bachelor's and master's programmes alumni will share their journey at the University of Tartu and give a short lecture on a chosen topic.
Joseph Haske is originally from the United States and moved to Estonia in 2020 to study actuarial and financial engineering at the University of Tartu. During his time at the university, he was an international student ambassador. Upon graduation in 2022, he started working at Pipedrive as the Information Security Risk Officer.
In the actuarial and financial engineering programme, the classical risk model is discussed. While the quantified risk process is well defined in financial fields, when it comes to cybersecurity and business risk, the topic is still in its infancy. Several approaches attempt to solve this. This topic will introduce how the coursework completed in the programme prepared Joseph to work on the quantitative modelling of cybersecurity risk at Pipedrive.
Why study the master's programme in Actuarial and Financial Engineering? In particular, the financial engineering side of the programme is at the intersection of mathematics, statistics, and computer science. This allows students to get exposure to all three areas and to access a wide variety of possible thesis topics. Additionally, a portion of the credits can be from a related discipline to the programme, which allows students to explore further in a direction that interests them.