Delta Career Day 2023

Delta karjääripäev 2019
Tartu Ülikool

On 2 March, for the fifth year, the Delta Career Day will unite companies, organizations, and students from different disciplines at the University of Tartu.

Find out more about participating companies and follow the event online in Worksup.

On this day, the university sports club becomes an exciting meeting place where companies from the fields of informatics, mathematics, statistics, and economics can present their internship and career opportunities to students from the University of Tartu.

This year, we have organized an Expo game for students. When coming to the event, you can grab a flyer at the entrance, and by answering short questions, you can win prizes from the companies. We recommend that all visitors go through the Expo game. That way you will gain knowledge and have a nice chat with the representatives of the participating organizations.

We have set up a career day studio for the first time. Those conversations can be watched on-site. We also broadcast them online, and they can also be rewatched later.

All the organizations participating in the Career Day and their offers can also be found online in the Worksup environment. The information remains available to students even after the event.

Participating companies:

1oT / Adcash / Baltic-American Freedom Foundation / Bigbank / Bitweb / Boku Network Services Estonia / BRS Networks Baltic / CGI Eesti / Civitta Eesti / Cleveron / Clevon / Cybernetica / Eesti Energia / Eesti Virtuaal- ja Liitreaalsuse Assotsiatsioon / Ericsson Eesti / Finantsinspektsioon / Foxway / Fujitsu Estonia / gotoAndPlay / HANZA Mechanics Tartu / Haut.AI / Helmes / Jobling / KPMG Baltics / Kuehne+Nagel IT Service Centre / LHV Pank / Luminor Bank / Maksu- ja Tolliamet / Mercans / Microsoft Development Center Estonia / Milrem / Mindtitan / Nordea Bank Abp Eesti filiaal / Playtech Estonia / Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet (PRIA) / PricewaterhouseCoopers / Proekspert / Rahandusministeerium / Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus / Rahapesu Andmebüroo / Riigikaitse karjäärikeskus I Küberväejuhatus / SEB Pank / Shepherd / Snowhound / STACC / Statistikaamet / Swedbank / Tarmetec / Tele2 Eesti / Telia Eesti / TNG Technology Consulting GmbH / Wise

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