Footprints of Ene-Margit Tiit were added to Tartu Pioneers’ Alley

Ene-Margit Tiit Tartu Teerajajate allee
Maikki Moosus

On 2 October, the footprints of statistician Ene-Margit Tiit, the University of Tartu Professor emerita, were added to the Tartu Pioneers’ Alley next to the Tasku Centre.

This year, three new sets of footprints were laid into the Pioneers’ Alley. The jury selected Professor emerita Ene-Margit Tiit. Read more about her valuable work on the website of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

At the jury’s request, also the footprints of Tartu, the European Capital of Culture 2024, and those of Kregor Zirk, who won the majority in the popular vote, were added.

Tartu Pioneers’ Alley is an alley of bronze footprints running next to the Tasku Centre by Riia street, aiming to acknowledge people who have significantly contributed to the development of Tartu and encourage others to follow in their footsteps. The alley was established at the initiative of the Tasku Centre in 2010, and the first steps were symbolically those of the spirit of Tartu.

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