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At its meeting on 9 February, the council of the Faculty of Science and Technology decided to nominate Professor Jaak Vilo as a rector candidate of the University of Tartu.
  • #rector elections
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The “Research news” section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
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You have been thinking about studying abroad, but need more information for making the decision?
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Today, on 19 January, at the university's teaching conference, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk presented the teaching awards and the teaching quality award of 2022.
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The programme aims to bring together active students and successful alumni to provide an opportunity for mutually beneficial collaboration and strengthen the university's sense of community.
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On 1 December, the University of Tartu celebrates the 103rd anniversary of establishing the Estonian-language university.
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The expatriate Estonian visiting professorship will be held by Annela Anger-Kraavi and Mart Kuldkepp.
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11 November, at the Estonian Research Council's research communication conference, this year's science communication awards were presented. University of Tartu researchers received five awards.
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Recipients of University of Tartu honorary decorations announced
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We are inviting everyone to Statistics Day in Delta center on 20. October in Delta Center.
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For the first time, the University of Tartu has reached a position among the top 250. 
  • #university
  • press-release
From 7 October, the University of Tartu invites all employees, students, alumni and their families as well everyone else to orienteering in the city of Tartu.
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This week, the city will be bustling with the Tartu Student Days Autumn Festival.
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All university members are invited to nominate candidates who would deserve to be awarded the university's honorary decoration for their outstanding achievements.
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Information session for Actuarial and Financial Engineering students
  • #first-year student
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On Monday, the opening ceremony of the 2022/2023 academic year takes place in front of the University of Tartu main building. Everyone is invited to rally in support of higher education funding.
  • #studies
  • press-release
According to the universities’ reputation survey people of all age groups consider the University of Tartu to be Estonia’s most reputable higher education institution.
  • #admissions
  • press-release
Until October 2022, all UT members can take one free Coursera course. Students can also use it towards the completion of their curriculum if they wish.
  • #continuing education
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On Wednesday, 27 April, a webinar on the Ukrainian language and culture took place on Worksup.
  • #for society
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​​​​​​​The UT has extended the application deadline for Ukrainian citizens until 1 June for all English-taught first and second-level programmes.
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